Focus On – Ferenczi Lost and Found
Working with the Rumble of Trauma
Denni Liebowitz, LCSW
Tuesday May 7, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM until Tuesday May 28
Sandor Ferenczi was arguably Freud’s most beloved and trusted colleague, theoretical collaborator, confidante, and friend. Tragically though, their intensely intimate relationship ended in rupture. Ferenczi differed with Freud in how he theorized and worked with trauma, including early trauma and childhood sexual trauma, rejecting Freud’s theory of infantile sexuality. Ferenczi’s seminal contributions, emerging from the deeply engaged space of his clinical work, anticipated and continue to inspire contemporary psychoanalysis – working with countertransference, the impact of the analyst on analytic process, regression, identification with the aggressor, and inclusion of the social, to name a few. Banished in the wake of his growing and resolute differences with Freud, Ferenczi and his work were disparaged and disappeared. Fortunately for us, his thinking and experiments with technique were preserved. The publication of his Clinical Diary, written in 1932 but suppressed for 50 years, sparked a renaissance of interest in his work. In the first class we will look into the Budapest School and the clinical controversies that emerged between Ferenczi and Freud – controversies that remain at the heart of how we practice today. In the remaining three classes, we will encounter Ferenczi’s clinical ideas reading his Confusion of Tongues Between the Adults and the Child – The Language of Tenderness and of Passion as well as selections from his Clinical Diary as we explore his groundbreaking ideas and clinical innovations.
Suite 700
San Francisco, CA 94108
United States
Seminar | |
General Admission | $ 110.00 |
PINC Members | $ 85.00 |
Students and Candidates | $ 65.00 |
(6) CE Credits | $ 60.00 |